Studio Task - 01/10/13

by Roxxie Blackham on Tuesday 1 October 2013

Today we presented our presentations on our chosen subjects to 8 other people in groups. We were given 5 minutes to present, then 1 minute to give one another feedback on sticky notes. Once we read our feedback, we had to split it up into three groups.

The three groups were: (colour coded)
Things that you like to hear to boost your ego (nice things)
Good and concise, or constructive feedback
Other feedback, or feedback that you want to know more about to achieve

My feedback was as follows:
- passionate about the subject
- clear and precise presentation
- good knowledge on his bio
- clear pictures
- could have expanded to talk about influences etc
- good in-depth info on personalities and ethos of designers, as well as their work
- good idea to narrow down a broad subject
- focussed
- kept relevant to GD as opposed to fashion
- think about offering a comparison
- could have been more in-depth with some areas - was quite short
- good that you picked a broad topic and made it more focussed
- in-depth and detailed
- clean layout for the presentation, not over textual
- interesting designer and designs
- need more information about where you are going with it
- specific
- sound genuinely interested in topic
- at times the research was a little limited
- over all a good, well delivered presentation
- good knowledge on the subject
- could explain why you're interested in the subject
- well presented

Once we analysed our feedback, we were asked to write 3 objectives on how to make your summer brief better.

My 3 objectives:
- Try to compare Peter Knapp's work to other designs at the time
- Expand on research into Knapp's influences
- Explain why you are interested in the topic

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